
تمرین ۱۰:

تبدیل واحدهای دما در پایتون

برنامه‌ای به زبان پایتون بنویسید که دمای داده شده را از سلسیوس (سانتی‌گراد) به فارنهایت و کلوین، از فارنهایت به سلسیوس و کلوین، و از کلوین به سلسیوس و فارنهایت تبدیل کند.

def F_C(f):
    c = (f - 32) * 5 / 9
    return c

def F_K(f):
    k = F_C(f)
    k = C_K(k)
    return k

def K_F(k):
    f = K_C(k)
    f = C_F(f)
    return f

def K_C(k):
    c = k - 273.15
    return c

def C_F(c):
    f = (9 / 5 * c) + 32
    return f

def C_K(c):
    k = c + 273.15
    return k

def Main():
    print("Temperature Unit Convertor")
    print("Programmer: Mohammad Rajabpur")
    while True:
        print("Celsius to Fahrenheit/Kelvin => Base = C")
        print("Fahrenheit to Celsius/Kelvin => Base = F")
        print("Kelvin to Celsius/Fahrenheit => Base = K")
        print("To exit the program => Base = Exit")
        b = input("Base = ")
        b = b.lower()
        if b == "exit":
        elif b == "c":
            print("Celsius to Fahrenheit/Kelvin Convertor")
            print("To go back to the main panel, type 'back'.\n")
            while True:
                c = input("Temperature = ")
                if c == "back":
                        c = float(c)
                        print(c, "° C =", C_F(c), "° F =", C_K(c), "° K \n")
                        print("Error: Please enter a number! \n")
        elif b == "f":
            print("Fahrenheit to Celsius/Kelvin Convertor")
            print("To go back to the main panel, type 'back'.\n")
            while True:
                f = input("Temperature = ")
                if f == "back":
                        f = float(f)
                        print(f, "° F =", F_C(f), "° C =", F_K(f), "° K \n")
                        print("Error: Please enter a number! \n")
        elif b == "k":
            print("Kelvin to Fahrenheit/Celsius Convertor")
            print("To go back to the main panel, type 'back'.\n")
            while True:
                k = input("Temperature = ")
                if k == "back":
                        k = float(k)
                        print(k, "° K =", K_C(k), "° C =", K_F(k), "° F \n")
                        print("Error: Please enter a number! \n")


================== RESTART: C:\Temperature.py =================
Temperature Unit Convertor
Programmer: Mohammad Rajabpur
Celsius to Fahrenheit/Kelvin => Base = C
Fahrenheit to Celsius/Kelvin => Base = F
Kelvin to Celsius/Fahrenheit => Base = K
To exit the program => Base = Exit
Base = c
Celsius to Fahrenheit/Kelvin Convertor
To go back to the main panel, type 'back'.

Temperature = -10
-10.0 ° C = 14.0 ° F = 263.15 ° K 

Temperature = 0
0.0 ° C = 32.0 ° F = 273.15 ° K 

Temperature = 10
10.0 ° C = 50.0 ° F = 283.15 ° K 

Temperature = 20
20.0 ° C = 68.0 ° F = 293.15 ° K 

Temperature = 30
30.0 ° C = 86.0 ° F = 303.15 ° K 

Temperature = 40
40.0 ° C = 104.0 ° F = 313.15 ° K 

Temperature = 100
100.0 ° C = 212.0 ° F = 373.15 ° K 

Temperature = back
Celsius to Fahrenheit/Kelvin => Base = C
Fahrenheit to Celsius/Kelvin => Base = F
Kelvin to Celsius/Fahrenheit => Base = K
To exit the program => Base = Exit
Base = f
Fahrenheit to Celsius/Kelvin Convertor
To go back to the main panel, type 'back'.

Temperature = 10
10.0 ° F = -12.222222222222221 ° C = 260.92777777777775 ° K 

Temperature = 20
20.0 ° F = -6.666666666666667 ° C = 266.4833333333333 ° K 

Temperature = 30
30.0 ° F = -1.1111111111111112 ° C = 272.0388888888889 ° K 

Temperature = 32
32.0 ° F = 0.0 ° C = 273.15 ° K 

Temperature = 40
40.0 ° F = 4.444444444444445 ° C = 277.59444444444443 ° K 

Temperature = 50
50.0 ° F = 10.0 ° C = 283.15 ° K 

Temperature = 60
60.0 ° F = 15.555555555555555 ° C = 288.7055555555555 ° K 

Temperature = 70
70.0 ° F = 21.11111111111111 ° C = 294.26111111111106 ° K 

Temperature = 80
80.0 ° F = 26.666666666666668 ° C = 299.81666666666666 ° K 

Temperature = 90
90.0 ° F = 32.22222222222222 ° C = 305.3722222222222 ° K 

Temperature = 100
100.0 ° F = 37.77777777777778 ° C = 310.92777777777775 ° K 

Temperature = 0
0.0 ° F = -17.77777777777778 ° C = 255.3722222222222 ° K 

Temperature = back
Celsius to Fahrenheit/Kelvin => Base = C
Fahrenheit to Celsius/Kelvin => Base = F
Kelvin to Celsius/Fahrenheit => Base = K
To exit the program => Base = Exit
Base = k
Kelvin to Fahrenheit/Celsius Convertor
To go back to the main panel, type 'back'.

Temperature = 0
0.0 ° K = -273.15 ° C = -459.66999999999996 ° F 

Temperature = 273.15
273.15 ° K = 0.0 ° C = 32.0 ° F 

Temperature = 373.15
373.15 ° K = 100.0 ° C = 212.0 ° F 

Temperature = back
Celsius to Fahrenheit/Kelvin => Base = C
Fahrenheit to Celsius/Kelvin => Base = F
Kelvin to Celsius/Fahrenheit => Base = K
To exit the program => Base = Exit
Base = exit